Honorable Judge, Barbara Chan – Hong Kong
As one of the first woman judges appointed to the bench in the Judiciary of Hong Kong, Barbara tried thousands of cases, first as a criminal judge, subsequently as a family court judge and lastly as civil suit judge. Barbara saw exceptional miracles in the courtroom as she applied her Christian faith to the cases before her. She retired in 2007 after serving the District Court for 18 years. As an associate of Harvest Evangelism, Barbara is providing leadership to the rapidly expanding Hong Kong TransformOurWorld Initiative, working alongside pastors, government and business leaders, and educational institutions to bring transformation to Hong Kong and beyond.
Barbara is Leader of Transformation Hong Kong and a prominent Judge in Hong Kong
Barbara Chan has visited Idaho on several occasions. She has an abiding love for Idaho, given to her by the Holy Spirit. Barbara is quite sensitive to the areas of Idaho where the Chinese people resided and labored and were even enslaved by some of the white settlers and gold rush miners. She has visited several site where horrific genocidal murders took place, here in Idaho, to pray and release forgiveness to our lands.
As we study our history in the State of Idaho, let us be aware of the atrocities that have taken place against the Chinese and just as Barbara Chan has a love for Idaho, let have a love for her native lands and let us pray earnestly for Hong Kong.